In an effort to broaden the horizon’s of anyone stumbling across this blog, I thought I would begin sharing a few of my finds in an effort to share those things I find weird, kooky, interesting and all-out mentally stimulating. Why? Because I love it when people share those same things with me. I am always engaged by those things that truly pique the curiosity of others and it inevitably stirs up my own yearnings for exploration, creativity and just “new stuff”.
Today’s find came via the always excellent Pam Slim (owner of Escape from Cubicle Nation, both the blog and the book) and it’s the blog gapingvoid. gapingvoid is the blog and Web site of cartoonist Hugh MacLeod, someone I knew absolutely zero about before today… and… uhh… well, I cannot say I know a ton more about this gentlemen now. But I do know one thing… he has a knack for capturing through his cartoons ideas that are sometimes smartass, but always smart/thought-provoking. In fact, a chunk of his work is cartoons designed for the back of a business card. Cool huh?
While he has several cartoons I rather enjoyed, I thought this one was particularly striking:
While his drawings (such as this one) do tend to range more to the abstract, somehow they blend beautifully with the message… and one that tends to be (sadly) true.
How often is it that instead of finding hope in those who have found their heart’s calling, we seek to tear it down or scoff at them as having “just gotten lucky”? We all do it in some form or another and I like how this just puts that thought in front of us to consider… just with a short phrase and a sketch. That’s it.
Damn it… I hate him for his brevity… or maybe I’m just jealous. HA! But in truth, I am enjoying his work and I highly recommend you scoot on over to his page to see what he’s got going on. He does sell his own original pieces, so the notion of picking one up is mighty tempting.
So browse and enjoy and please do let me know what you think about some of these finds. For now I share… and hope for a day when I might warrant being shared as well. Thanks to people like Hugh for giving me something to shoot for.